This is the end of our page displaying Spectacular Albite Feldspars & Large Cleavelandite Decorator Mineral Sspecimens. We do have additional inventory of very large albite decorator mineral specimens available!
Albite and cleavelandite specimens make beautiful decorator pieces! We do have additional inventory of natural albite matrix specimens in stock. We also have a few more amazing giant size extra large cleavelandite decorator mineral specimens and albite decorator mineral specimens weighing over 1000 pounds each! For further info or requests, simply contact us by email about our clevelandite decorator specimens.
To see more albite photos, just select any link shown below.
To see photos of another mineral variety, follow any link in our Mineral Inventory & Factsheet Index.
Go to the ALBITE Factsheet & Information Page |
Select any unfollowed link to see more albite photos | |||||||
Albite Mineral Specimens |
Spectacular Large Albite and Cleavelandite Decorator Mineral Specimens |
Would you like us to inform you when we add more rare quality cleavelandite specimens and large size decorator pegmatite specimens of natural albite on this page?
We do have additional inventory of large size decorator mineral specimens of natural cleavelandite in stock, so
be sure to let us know if you have any
natural albite mineral specimens special requests.
Please contact our webmaster or our
'site' geologist with any questions
or comments.